5 Survival Tips For Work-From-Home Parents Of Babies And Toddlers

Please welcome Kristin, from Parenting With Kris, who has written this guest post on several survival tips to help new parents while they work from home.

5 Survival Tips for Work-From-Home Parents of Babies and Toddlers

If you work remotely from home with a baby or toddler, you’ve got a lot on your plate and may be wondering what you can do to make life easier. Although your schedule may remain packed, knowing how to check in on your health and how to balance work and life can help keep things from getting too hectic. When you work from home, these five crucial tips could help you survive and thrive, brought to you by Bitter to Richer.

1. Set Up a Calm, Distraction-Free Home Office

Perhaps the number-one most important tip that can help you simplify your workday when also trying to wrangle little ones is having a separate workspace free of as many distractions as possible. Although you may not be able to create a perfect oasis, you can still craft an environment conducive to work in a few easy steps.

Start by setting up your work desk in a secluded space or different room from the kids’ rooms. Bring in every tool you need to do your job, and remove potential distractions, such as televisions, pleasure-reading books, and clutter.

2. Get Yourself and Your Little One(s) on an Everyday Schedule

According to one study, having a schedule is crucial for kids’ development, even before they start school. Of course, sticking to a schedule can help you get your job done with as little hassle as possible, too. Get your family on a schedule by:

  • Having meals at the same time each day, which ensures that everyone has structure in their day and an opportunity to connect.
  • Carving out time for kids and making sure to be there at bedtime.
  • Letting your older kids know about your work schedule so they can support your efforts.
  • Plan activities like neighborhood walks together; a wagon allows you to bring even the littlest kids along.

3. Improve Your Efficiency – and Your Comfort!

If you’re working from home with children around, both your efficiency and your mental health require you to streamline your daily life as much as possible. For instance, if you work on a freelance basis full-time, or even if you just occasionally do contract work, setting up a system to receive reliable, on-time payments from clients is an absolute must-have. Without this system, you may have to deal with additional stress, on top of handling your kids and dealing with your regular work. Find a system that allows you to collect customer payments quickly and accurately.

Remember that efficiency also requires a bit of self-care from time to time. A cozy wardrobe, some scented candles, or the comfort and convenience of a new pumping bra for moms aren’t indulgences – they’re necessities that help you stay recharged and on track so that you can continue to do your best.

4. Keep Your Kids Entertained by Providing Them With Low-Supervision-Required Activities

While you’re busy working, your toddler-aged kids may need some entertainment to keep them busy. Even if you can’t be there to supervise every minute of the day, you may still be able to keep your kids entertained by finding some relatively independent activities. For instance, your kids might want to try:

  • Interactive children’s shows
  • Coloring books
  • Crocheting, knitting, and embroidery
  • Arts and crafts

5. Lean on Your Family and Friends When You Need a Support System to Survive

Lastly, don’t be afraid to lean on your support system when you need to. This could provide you with the time you need to get your work done. Your support system could include:

  • Older generations of family members
  • Close friends and trusted acquaintances
  • Colleagues from work who live in your area

For work-from-home parents of small children, every day may feel hectic, packed, and even stressful. If you want to make balancing remote work and parenting a little easier, set up a home office, stick to a schedule, use an online invoice maker to get paid on time, and find ways to keep your kids busy.

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Top Recommendations:

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  2. For those who are new to saving and investing, Acorns is a huge boon. Think of it like training wheels, as it can help you start off on the right tracking by automating your savings and investments - and teaching you what you need to know along the way.
  3. Personal Capital is one of my favorite tools. It has a plethora of features for you, and contains a multitude of free financial tools that make it easier than ever to manage your money.
  4. My favorite brokerage is currently M1 Finance. They have tons of great index funds, ETFs, and stocks to choose from. With them investing is easy and highly customizable. Whether you're an advanced investor or someone who prefers simple solutions, they will suit your needs.