Being A Self-Made Success Is A Complete Misnomer And Myth

Everyone likes to discuss self-made people. I get it, it’s something of a fun topic. Who is a self-made success story, how they got there, what they do to maintain it, and everything that goes with it is interesting. If you’re reading this, you’re also probably the type who is always striving to be better – in which case it makes sense that you’re interested in self-made success stories. However, the whole self-made success spiel is a bit of a misnomer. In my opinion, there is no completely self-made man or woman. Don’t believe me? Let me break down why I think this way.

Being A Self-Made Success Is A Complete Misnomer And Myth

The Idea Of The Self-Made Man Or Woman

First off, if I’m to get my point across, we need to define what a self made man or woman is. When I asked several people I know about their definition, I got a fairly consistent answer. To them, a self-made man or woman is someone who is successful purely on their own merits and had no help from other people or their environment and circumstances. If you don’t see the issue with that, I hope you soon will – it’s basically an unfathomable scenario. Of course, people can be successful in large part because they worked hard and with discipline, but you can’t ignore the other factors that lead to success.

People Underestimate And Undervalue The Help They Get Along The Way

My main issue with the whole “self-made” ordeal is that people take for granted what help they get along the way. Or, even worse, they completely disregard the assistance they got. It’s one thing to pull yourself up from your bootstraps and another entirely to go through life without having to rely on someone else at all.

At some point, during anyone’s success story, they have almost certainly had to crutch on someone else. Maybe it was a parent, who paid for their food and housing until they could get off the ground running. Maybe it was a boss who went to bat for you and helped you get a promotion. Whatever the case, it’s almost a certainty that someone else has helped you in a big way along your path to success.

At Some Point, Someone Will Help You

As an added little tidbit. Let’s say you’re young, and you’re really having a hard time. At some point, to break through and achieve whatever your next “stage” is, someone will have to help you. There is no shame in that, but it’s part of life. As human beings, we help and grow together – not alone.

You Don’t Have To Do Things Alone – Thinking That Will Only Hold You Back

Which brings me to my next point. If you keep thinking you have to do things on your own, you need to stop. It isn’t a prerequisite for success that you have to turn down help or try to do everything yourself. At some point, in some way, you’ll need to learn how to accept help from other people. In fact, that’s really how most people become successful.

Most Successful People Aren’t Afraid To Utilize Help

Almost every successful person I know isn’t afraid to actually ask for help. Now, they may be reluctant and only do it when there is a true need. However, when that need arises they will always take help. Furthermore, when it comes to career progression or expanding their business, most successful people don’t turn down offers for assistance there. A lot of people have an ego issue and think they have to do it on their own, but the true successes will take the help they get and enjoy the rewards.

There Are Some Trends To Those Who Are Successful

Beyond being able to ask for help or accept it, there are a few common trends for successful people. Let’s go ahead and discuss a few!

The Less Of A Jerk You Are, The Easier It Is

We all know someone who is doing well and is also a jerk. Fortunately, more often than not, successful people are actually quite nice and kindhearted. The bad apples are annoying, but most people got their success partially because of how well they treated others. It may surprise some of you, but effective communication and people skills are the cornerstone of many businesses and careers.

Including Others In The Credit Gains Valuable Connections

Most successful people also aren’t afraid to include others in the final credit. In other words, they give credit where credit is due, and they have no qualms about it. For those of you who know how to network, I’m sure you’ve learned how much just a little will go with many people. If you credit people for their hard work, it usually gains you lifelong contacts and friends.

They Had A Mentor

More often than not, successful people had a mentor at some point. That’s not to say that you can’t be successful without one, but it certainly helps.

They Are A Mentor

If you didn’t guess it, in turn successful people also take steps to mentor the next generation – usually, at least. If you’re successful but never had a mentor, don’t deprive someone else out of spite. It’s important to contribute and help others as you would’ve wanted to be helped. In other words, try to be the person you needed so that someone else can reap the benefits – it’s a rewarding feeling.

Goals Aren’t Hidden

Another thing is that successful people usually don’t do is hide their goals. The exact details of their goals, especially financial goals, may be private. However, the general goals are usually wide open and made known to everyone who asks or is curious. Hiding your goals does no good, and being open an honest about it makes it easier for others to help you along the way.


Hopefully this helped to dispel some of the “self-made” myth and it gave you ideas on how you can also be successful. Obviously, your success depends on you and your work ethic, but it’s okay for you to get help along the way – we all do. If you have any tips or thoughts of your own about becoming successful or being a mentor, let us know in the comments!

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Top Recommendations:

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