20 Ways To Make Money Without A Degree

If you’re good at what you do, and clever about it, you have the potential to make a lot of money even without a degree. Most people think it’s hard to make six figures, but it’s easier than ever before. There are tons of extremely valuable skills that can propel your salary and career. When you sit down and think about it, there are many different ways to make money without a degree – some of which you may not have considered!

Of course, degrees can be useful. Depending on what your goals are, and what you want to do for a living, pursuing a college degree may be right for you. However, for many, a college degree doesn’t offer them what them want or can be too expensive for entry. With that being said, let’s get into 20 different professions that can make money without a college degree.

20 ways to make money without a degree

1. Electrician

Electricians actually have it pretty good. Go to a trade school and in no time at all you can start working your way up. Most electricians make more than the average American, and it’s a perfectly livable wage that can provide for most families. If you’re really good at what you do, you even have the potential to make over $100,000 annually. The hours may be long, and it doesn’t have as much flexibility as some jobs, but it can be a great option. On top of that, it’s possible to find work as an electrician practically everywhere, which is a huge plus.

2. Welder

To be frank, the average welder doesn’t make great money. Honestly, they don’t even make decent money. However, there are ways to considerably increase your income as a welder. If you’re at the top of the field, you can make a somewhat competitive amount, although it’s still not ideal. However, when you pair welding with something like scuba training, you can actually make substantially more as an underwater welder. There are a lot of pros and cons with such a position – there are health hazards, but there is also the potential to only work seasonally. I’ve personally met underwater welders who make well into six figures. It’s possible, but hard and comes with its own risks.

3. Sales Rep

The sky is the limit with sales – in both good and bad ways. It’s possible, depending on the position and company, to make a ton of money with your commissions. Unfortunately, a lot of people you meet in sales are willing to breach ethics, so that may be something you’ll have to struggle with. Additionally, sales can be feast or famine. When the times are good, you may be making an incredible amount of money. Unfortunately, when the times are bad, you may be frantic to make ends meet.

4. Plumber

Plumbers, like electricians, fall into the category of blue-collar work that can make a surprising amount. As long as you’re willing to work hard, and get your hands dirty, you can make a very nice income for your family. If you really want to level up your income, you can always start your own business. If you need to, start it as a side hustle to test the waters. You might be surprised and end up taking it full-time once you get your feet wet.

5. IT Specialist

Yes, a lot of IT jobs require degrees – especially the high paying ones. However, the IT field is more forgiving about that than others. In IT, experience is the top priority. If you’re able to get your foot in the door, you can go really far. Smaller and medium-sized companies tend to be more forgiving about whether you have a degree, especially if you have certifications and experience to back it up. So, if you want to get into IT, grab some certifications and get started!

6. Firefighter

The typical firefighter’s income is perfectly reasonable and can be quite competitive in many areas. If you’re willing to work overtime, you can drastically boost your income and potentially reach six figures. It’s hard, and a lot of work, but it’s also an incredibly rewarding job.

7. Real Estate Agent

Real estate has a lot in common with other sales positions. It can be feast or famine, and your job can be heavily influenced by the market. Whether that’s good or bad is your call, and it honestly depends on the situation. With that said, it can be an extraordinarily lucrative field for those willing to put in the work to get there.

8. Air Traffic Controller

This job can make a fantastic amount of money. It’s stable, and clearly has enough to provide for a family. The main issue with this position is that it can be highly stressful and it generally requires long hours. If you’re fine with that and think you can handle it, then this could be a great field to get into.

9. Writer

This is a pretty broad category. You can make a living as an editor, a writer for a magazine, a blogger, or even a novelist. There are some stable jobs in this niche, that can provide a stable income. Other than that, if you’re willing to grind or work another job to support yourself, you could make a lot of money eventually as a blogger or a novelist. It takes a lot of upfront work, and you won’t know if it pays off for years. Is it for you? That’s hard to say, and something for you to decide. If you don’t absolutely love writing, your decision with this should be easy.

10. Pilot

Commercial pilots can make a lot of money. Unfortunately it’s one of those industries where you start off making very little money, but it ramps up as you gain experience. Additionally, it requires a lot of potential travel. That being said, if you like flying and travel, it could be great for you. For those who are former servicemen and servicewomen, this can also be a great path to shift into the private sector as you leave the service.

11. Soldier

Which brings me to my next job. Being a soldier definitely isn’t one of the most lucrative fields, but you will be taken care of. You, and your family, will definitely have food, shelter, and support if you need it. Of course this job comes with many different types of sacrifices, so I’d only recommend this route if you feel called to do it.

12. CEO & Owner

Starting and running a business can be a worthwhile pursuit. You set your own hours, can be your own boss (well, you do have to answer to your customers), and you can make a theoretically unlimited amount of money. For many, this is the only option for them. If you want to start a business or side hustle, I highly encourage you to leverage the skills you already have to help get it off the ground. Be creative!

Of course, with all of that money you’ll be making, be sure to use a brokerage like M1 Finance for your investments.

13. Professional Athlete

Yes, yes, this one is certainly far-fetched. If you’re an absolutely amazing athlete, there is an incredible amount of money for you to make. It’s worth trying to shoot for your dreams, but be sure to realize that passion alone isn’t enough. If you want to go this route, just make sure you have a backup plan.

14. Elevator Technician

This is a surprising one, but elevator technicians make a good, livable income. If you like this type of thing, it could be a great option. Don’t shy away from obscure jobs if they interest you – it can be incredibly surprising how much you’ll make with some!

15. Police Officer

This is another decent position. You can certainly make ends meet, and if you work your way up you can eventually make six figures. This position isn’t for everyone, so make sure you’re in it for the right reasons if you choose to pursue this field.

16. Actor

Like being a professional athlete, this is shooting for the stars! I won’t discourage it, and it can certainly make a ton of money. However, most actors make very little despite years of effort. Pursue this at your own risk, and be sure to have a backup plan to help you make ends meet.

17. Security

Another great choice for former military (or police), this can provide some lucrative salaries. Your average person who works security won’t make much, but for those who have a background in it you can be sure there is tons of money to be had. If you know what you’re doing, those six figure positions are out there for you.

18. Chef

Technically, this doesn’t require formal education. However, it can be a great way to earn a decent income. If you’re truly exceptional, you can make well into six figures! Of course, don’t underestimate the skill and work ethic it requires to become a good chef. It’s not for the faint of heart.

19. Bartender

I’m sure this one surprised you – didn’t it? Even though bartenders are paid very little hourly by their employer, they can make an obscene amount in tips. If you’re good at your job, friendly, and a good conversationalist, it becomes much more feasible to make ends meet.


20. Stripper

Well, this one is like the bartender in the sense that you can make a lot in tips. Making six figures certainly isn’t unheard of, but the position definitely has its ups and downs. If you’re okay with the moral issues you may encounter here, it can certainly pay the bills.


I hope you found this list of professions intriguing. If you have any of your own to add, leave a comment below! For more content like this, be sure to sign up for the Bitter to Richer newsletter. In the welcome email we send out a free budgeting template and financial goals worksheet.

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Top Recommendations:

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